showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Electrocop  Atari (Epyx)1989The Criminal Brain has kidnapped the President's daughter and threatens to kill her if he does not get control of the world. Only you, Electrocop, can invade the Steel Complex where evil robots and dangerous traps protect the Criminal Brain.
The odds are against you. Your only hope is to find the weapons and computer terminals hidden in the mazes of the Criminal Brain's fortress.
Can you save the President's daughter and serve justice to the world's most wicked criminal? It's your sworn duty as an officer of the law.***
[36]***A technically, graphically and musical top-notch Lynx game, but with several major flaws that ruin the gameplay. First of all the strange perspective with running to the side, "up" and "down" into new corridors, enemies that are too late to see and the maze design lead to instant frustration. The controls are not good, especially ducking and jumping is problematic. And last but not least there are security doors with a code you have to decrypt, which takes a long long time just sitting there and waiting for the hacking software to try each and every possible combination until the door opens up eventually. Maybe thats why Epyx build in three mini-games on the door terminals to keep the player busy during the waiting time.